The Ghimlyt Dark

The Ghimlyt Dark

Level 70, ilvl 360


Eorzean Alliance Headquarters (X:6.2, Y:6.1)

The Face of War

For those who dare travel twixt Aldenard and Ilsabard, there is but one path, and it leads through Ghimlyt. A confluence of harsh terrain and aetheroclimatic conditions have shrouded the land in perpetual darkness, and it is here the decisive battle for Eorzea begins. But can the Warrior of Light prevail in this land long since lost to the light?  


Mark III-B Magitek Colossus

During the battle, the boss has several devastating attacks. The first one is called Jarring Blow, which is a tankbuster that hits a wide arc in front of the boss. Another attack is Ceruleum Vent, which causes moderate damage to the entire party. Magitek Ray is a stack marker that targets one player. Exhaust is a line attack that is directed towards a random player. Wild Fire Beam is a targeted AoE attack on each player, so it's important to spread out to avoid overlapping damage. Lastly, the boss uses Magitek Slash, where it slams its sword down, dealing damage in a cone area and leaving behind a fiery puddle that inflicts Burns to anyone standing in it. The Colossus will continue rotating and slamming down until it covers the entire arena, with the initial puddle dissipating as the boss makes its final strike.


Prometheus begins the battle with Nitrospin, a move that inflicts moderate damage on the entire party by surrounding the arena in fire. The boss also has Unbreakable Cermet Drill, which is a tankbuster attack. Needle Gun is another ability that Prometheus uses, targeting a 90-degree cone in front of the boss. Oil Shower, on the other hand, covers a 270-degree cone directly behind the boss, hitting areas that Needle Gun doesn't reach. After a series of attacks, Prometheus will burrow underground, causing a section of the wall surrounding the arena to glow red. Following a delay, a fiery blast will launch from the red area to the opposite wall, dealing damage. This attack continues to inflict damage for a few seconds. The second time Prometheus uses this attack, it will first cast Freezing Missile. Freezing Missile consists of four proximity AoEs that hit at each cardinal direction.

Annia quo Soranus and Julia quo Soranus

In the battle, one sister will remain in the arena after being attacked first, while the other will provide support from outside the arena and cannot be targeted. Annia fights with a fist weapon, while Julia wields a gunblade. The sisters have specific abilities they use during the fight. Annia's tankbuster is called "Delta Trance" and Julia's tankbuster is called "Innocence". They both use "Artificial Plasma" which deals moderate damage to the entire party. Julia has an ability called "Commence Air Strike" where she drops eight Ceruleum tanks from the sky, occasionally using "Roundhouse" to knock them around and damage players in melee range. She then follows up with "Heirsbane", detonating a tank and causing damage to a large area. Annia uses "Order to Bombard" which covers the arena with three large AoEs and performs "Crossbones" and "Angry Salamander" with Julia. Julia's "Crossbones" ability carves "X" shapes into the air, targeting players and inflicting knockback when used as part of "Order to Bombard". Julia's "Heirsbane" marks a random player and deals damage after a short time. Annia's "Angry Salamander" is a line attack towards a random player and she also uses "Stunning Sweep" where she jumps to a random player and deals damage to players in melee range. Julia has an ability called "The Order" where she moves to the center of the arena and launches Crossbones projectiles while ground AoEs appear beneath each player. After defeating the first sister, they both perform "Crosshatch" where a Crossbones projectile is launched back and forth across the arena. The sisters will then switch out and continue the fight. If the other sister is defeated, they perform "Crosshatch" again with the addition of "Covering Fire", an AoE that targets each player and requires spreading out to avoid overlap. Once the second cast of "Crosshatch" is complete, the sisters regain 20% of their HP and begin casting "Imperial Authority" at the center of the arena. This attack will wipe the party if not interrupted.
